The Bluetooth Mesh radio standard in buildings

Vision climate-neutral parking

Intelligent Lighting solution from STEINEL provides energy savings of up to 92 percent.

Instead of being permanently illuminated and wasting an enormous amount of energy, parking lots and underground garages can be illuminated in a virtually climate-neutral way. At the heart of STEINEL’s Intelligence Lighting solution developed specifically for parking areas is the RS PRO Connect 5100 LED sensor light. Usage-dependent light switching is combined with intelligent networking via Bluetooth® and smart control of state-of-the-art LED lights. The formation of light groups and time-dependent switching of the light offers an energy-saving potential of up to 92 percent. Comfort functions give users a sense of security and make their stay in the parking area more pleasant. Brighter illumination also improves safety in the traffic area. IThat way, buildings become intelligent, reduce energy consumption and CO₂ emissions, and at the same time offer return on investment opportunities for parking area operators.

Eingebettet in eine Intelligence-Lighting-Lösung kann die RS PRO Connect 5100 LED von STEINEL den Energieverbrauch auf einer Parkfläche um bis zu 92 Prozent reduzieren.

Embedded in an Intelligence Lighting solution, the RS PRO Connect 5100 LED from STEINEL can reduce energy consumption in a parking area by up to 92 percent.

All year waste of energy

Underground car parks and parking garages usually have very extensive architecture, with areas that are often difficult to see. To ensure traffic safety and to make the quality of stay and the feeling of safety tolerable for the users, parking areas are often illuminated around the clock, even 365 days a year. In addition, outdated lighting systems are are in use in numerous instances. All of this leads to an obvious waste of energy. Intelligent solutions are needed to meet increasingly stringent efficiency requirements and minimize energy consumption. They must be designed in such a way that both parking operators and users benefit.

Smart light networking

Installing state-of-the-art lighting systems like STEINEL’s RS PRO Connect 5100 LED sensor light creates the prerequisite for Intelligent Lighting in parking areas. With its 360-degree high-frequency sensor, long-life 30-watt LED lighting system and wireless networkability via Bluetooth®, it forms the basis for intelligent lighting control and high energy-saving potential. Smartly operated and set, installed lights can simply be combined into lighting groups via the STEINEL Connect App. Controlled accordingly, light is always switched on exactly where users are and light is needed. In unused areas, it remains switched off or in dimmed illumination. Individually adjustable time intervals ensure that the light switches down to a dimmed level when no further use is detected. If no one is in the corresponding area for a longer period of time, the light can be switched off completely. Measurements show that optimal control can reduce energy consumption for a parking deck to less than 10 percent.

Just network and control wirelessly via app. Intelligent Lighting from STEINEL is child’s play to operate and can be adapted at any time.

Einfach kabellos per App vernetzten und steuern. Intelligent Lighting von STEINEL ist kinderleicht zu bedienen und jederzeit anpassbar.

Travelling light for more comfort and safety

In order to always provide parking garage users with optimum light, the neighbor function enables lighting systems to be activated in neighboring areas. This means that light is always switched on where the user is at the moment and will be shortly. The light virtually accompanies him on his way through the parking area to his destination. In this way, the lighting in adjacent room areas, such as the stairwell, can also be included.

Yield opportunity for parking area operators

Installing an Intelligent Lighting solution from STEINEL offers parking operators real opportunities for return on investment. The investment costs for converting to modern lighting usually pay for themselves in just a few months thanks to the high energy savings. In terms of efficiency specifications, the value of the property also improves.

Further sensor solutions for parking garages and underground garages

By using intelligent sensor technology, energy consumption can be reduced in many areas of multi-storey parking lots and adjoining stairwells and ancillary rooms and the user’s stay can be improved. STEINEL offers a range of innovative solutions tailored to the room areas in question.

  • Staircases: With its penetrating detection, the HF 360 high-frequency presence detector is ideal for motion detection in adjoining stairwells. Intelligent lighting is provided here by the wirelessly networkable RS PRO Connect R series, which can be combined with underground garage lighting via Bluetooth.
  • Parking areas: With its all-round view and extreme foresight, the IS 3360 infrared motion detector monitors extensive areas on parking decks and in underground garages. Combined with modern LED lights, energy consumption can thus be reduced.
  • Driveways and entrances: Adjustable to the meter and with a large, scalable range, the sens IQ S motion detector switches on the light at driveways and entrances depending on use.
Dank Connected Lighting können auch Leuchten in angrenzenden Bereichen zur Tiefgarage in die Lichtlösung eingebunden werden.

Thanks to Connected Lighting, luminaires in areas adjacent to the underground car park can also be integrated into the lighting solution.

Intelligent Lighting by STEINEL

Modern sensor technology from STEINEL acts as a building’s sensory organs and controls classic building functions such as lighting or heating. Combined with state-of-the-art networking technology and smart control, energy consumption is reduced to a minimum and user comfort is improved at the same time. In this way, the building becomes intelligent, makes independent decisions and uses energy sparingly. As a Building Intelligence solution from STEINEL, this creates better living spaces in the building of the future.